Were you watching???

We you today at 3pm sitting or standing watching the game. England today took on Slovienia knowing only a win against the European team would guarantee and safe passage into the next stage of the competition. Work places set up televisions for workers to watch the game, schools  showed the game, and if you were the lucky ones you were able to get home to watch the game in the comfort of your lucky chair.

England in their “lucky” red strip made 3 changes with Defoe, Milner and Upson coming in, and it was the first two changes that made the difference. Milner playing on the right whipped in a delivery in to the box where Defoe anticipated the cross and got in front of his defender before steering the ball in the back of the net.

It sent the port Elizabeth crowd in to raptures. The majority of the fan base was English adorned with the cross of George on many of their faces and shirts. the Stadium had the feel of and English home game with the mass of white in the crowd.

England after the goal finally managed to create chances unlike the first two games, and finally the country blessed with fine passers finally, were able to keep possession with confidence and competence.

Wayne Rooney had his best performance of the competition going close but for a fine save, but not to his supreme best but there was a drive and determination which had been missing in the Algeria  match. He was substituted in the second half after getting a knock, but we can only hope that it was a minor knock and that he will be back after his promising performance.

Capello after the game spoke of how the players played with out fear and it was the kind of performance he had seen them perform in the training session. His admission of how their performance was a huge mark up from their previous performances,  can bode well and the belief seems to be there.

With the knockout stages ahead, hopefully this victory can kick start the players and hopefully they can go far in this tournament.

About nd79
Since finishing University I am just trying to make a living.

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